My life has not always been soft blankets and cosy nights in front of a fire. I had a difficult start to my puppy life. I witnessed some conflicts in my homelife, some of which my Mum and I couldn’t always be protected from and that caused trauma to us both. Luckily, she chose to move on and take me with her and we started a new life together in a place where we could recover from our trauma and learn about why we went through what we did. We also wanted to learn how we could prevent this in the future for ourselves and others.
We moved to Portugal and spent a lot of time together walking on the beach. This paradise sanctuary helped us discover ourselves again. We walked, ran, laughed, dipped our paws in the sea and played a lot of frisbee. I learned to paddleboard and even entered a dog surf competition. I took myself out of my comfort zone. As I adventured on, I made friends for the first time and wrote about my experiences too. So many things feel better once they’re out on paper. Don’t you think? It’s a kind of therapy, and many of those things, events, feelings, and moments have made it into my books, along with the many friends I’ve made along the way.
I now spend my days living in a forest on top of a mountain in Switzerland. I’ve learned various languages, worked through the anxiety of my previous life. There are more friends to help here too, many who have inspired me to live life to the fullest and help wherever I can. They all come from diverse backgrounds, and I love that. I learn from them as much as I help them, and I want to share with you all that I have learned.